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Struggling abroad?

💡 Regardless of where you are in the world, many things you struggle with when you going abroad are universal. Seriously! Here are some top things that I went through, you may go through, and over 500+ of my clients have gone through

woman drinking coffee from ceramic cups during interview


You might not know the language of a location–or thought you knew it well!–yet each city, region, and country has its own nuances and colloquialisms. You may not master them all, and that’s okay. Keep the mindset that you are learning and growing every day. Be kind to yourself. All of us tend to go back to those interpersonal skills no matter what–develop these and your experience can be truly magical! ✨

Identifying Culture and Sense of Self

Try to learn about big cultural differences before going abroad–and many skip this step!–but we honestly learn the biggest cultural differences situationally. Make sure to take things with an open mind, and the ability to laugh! There will always be a struggle with identifying what your sense-of-self is in a new environment if you haven’t done it before, yet often there’s a resounding consensus that you will learn more about who you are when you are abroad. 🧠 Not sure how? Ask me!

Find Support Systems

Each place and location can be unique. Finding a support system will be the key! 🔑 It may feel like you’re constantly going against the grain, or it can become really easy if you know what to look for, are open to possibilities, and take note of your resources. Any type of support is crucial to making your time abroad successful – and I promise you’ll get a lot out of it!

When you have a passion for supporting people new to being abroad like we do at ConnectedInternational, you can’t help but want to share some serious takeaways and tips!❓People ask US all the time to know what exactly to expect before taking this transformative plunge, but we all have own our unique perspectives! What problems have you faced abroad?

↘ Need help or a support network abroad?

Make sure to follow connectedinternational for more inspiration and share this with someone thinking about going abroad or currently abroad!

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