Why will I start blogging?
After being a peer mentor for exchange students throughout college, and travelling and being an exchange student myself, I thought to myself, “Where are the good resources?”. I often gave advice to friends, and I knew of my experiences and those of others and thought, “Why not?!” I typically do marketing, but after living for six months in Paris, France with my boyfriend of over 3 years (who had been an exchange student himself when I met him), and it being over a year after I had spent 6 months in Germany, I thought “Why not take up a hobby of what I’m good at? Helping Internationals!”. The difficulty of finding answers out in the webisphere is there is way too much info, it’s not concise and often a waste of time and sometimes expensive, and when ever I looked it was rarely for my location or specific need. So for me, friends sometimes were my only solution.
What am I looking forward to with my blogging journey
I know this sounds a bit ambitious, but I would like to get a community of exchange students, travellers, and internationals to have a place to go to for advice, resources, and of course to share their own experiences and findings. I would also eventually like to make a by country list of places to shop or visit, stereotypes and findings, etc. available to my viewers. I hope to get a few amazing guest bloggers to create posts and share their experiences, advice, or resources, and eventually have a few people ask for advice, share their experiences, and even want to contribute something themselves. I want to create an environment that is fun, energetic, generally positive, inclusive, and safe for everyone.
Welcome to connectedinternational!